VIP Program

What is the VIP Program?

Dan Hamilton’s VIP Program is our way of thanking you for making us your REALTOR of choice. We give away gifts to our members, invite you to exclusive events, and really show appreciation for your business and referrals! 

As an H&C VIP, you automatically gain access to giveaways throughout the year, most commonly shared via email. If the item or experience being given away interests you, then you simply email or call us to reserve your gift (there is usually a limit on how many gifts can be claimed).You don’t have to refer anyone to receive your gift! It’s that simple.

What if you do refer a friend or decide to do business with our team?

You get your own VIP Chick-fil-a Gift Card with ten dollars loaded every month for six months! Your free Chick-fil-a can extend for years, so long as you send us at least one referral every six months. 

What counts as a referral? A referral is merely you getting permission from the person you had in mind to share their name and number with our team so we can call them and set up an appointment. It doesn’t matter if this person actually does business with Hamilton & Company; they only need to meet us. Easy, right?

Grab yourself a VIP Chick-fil-a card!

If you are interested in becoming a member of the VIP Program, please complete the information below to start receiving giveaway emails and event invitations! 

Already think you know someone that might be interested in buying or selling their home with me? Head over to, enter the requested information.

Join Our VIP Program

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